Returns & Exchange PolicyUpdated 10 days ago
Please inspect your items immediately upon arrival.
All return requests must be made within 10 days of order delivery confirmation.
White Horse Vapor reserves the right to issue a gift card for the value of the defective items after defect verification.
Our Quality Assurance team goes through each return to conduct a thorough inspection. Once an item is sent back for the exam, regardless of the findings, we can not send these items back. The exam process requires each device to be taken apart and then properly disposed of. If a device is deemed not defective or is returned empty/used up, we will not be able to issue compensation. Please bear this in mind when requesting a shipping label to send back any defective devices.
Refunds are only issued for defective items that are returned and have been verified as defective by our quality assurance team.
Any other returns for reasons other than damaged or defective will need to be shipped at the customer's expense. Items must be returned in their original condition, unused, and with all original packaging intact. Any compensation will be in the form of a Store Gift Card for these situations.
*White Horse Vapor reserves the right to deny any return/exchange requests, however we will strive to provide you with the best possible resolution on a case by case basis.